
What future managers do that leaders don't

For this week posts, we are going to share with you all future managers the following tips so you can be 100% successful:

1. They have a Plan of attack for the day and at the same time they attack the plan - follow through it! Also it is very important to, have a game plan for the week that includes delegating responsibilities in an organized fashion

2. They are organized and prepared with what they need for the day, week and month

3. They always have a sharp image

4. Managers are always on time and early

5. They do not waste time and at the same time they the initiative to always teach others and transfer knowledge

6. Managers are considered very valuable team players, never play solo, and they believe in molding their team and holster other leaders

7. They lead others on how to be managers by setting the right example and to think like one

8. They are always humble, yet confident and have a great student mentality

9. Always willing to do whatever it takes to be successful if it needs to be done

10. They understand that short term sacrifices are necessary in order to achieve long term success.

11. They don’t make excuses

12. They make mistakes but learn from their mistakes and don’t repeat them

13. They are ready to make decisions even in tough circumstances

14. Managers don’t take the short road to achieve their goals; and additionally, they are always focused on seeing the bigger picture


“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”